Lol I have discuss this with concon and yosua, well I am going to my senior school, and I'll live in a hostel haha, and I will be inactive from 24June-14July, well I got my first holiday at 16 July - 20 July, and then I'll get my next holiday probably at 11-25 August lol and well Yosua and Concon will take charge while I'm not online, I'll take charge every time I'm online when I am not please listen to them haha, I'll try to be online every weekend, and I hope when I came back, you guys are already official
I'll try to backup you guys, and I think we don't need more ingame players, we need forum active and I want you guys too fill our bank, and I want our ingame players are active in forum too like posting here. I am sending 5k to Fakebank right now. I still active untill the next 24 hours maybe haha if you want to ask something pm me or search me if I am in game haha Don't leave our clan I know you guys can continue without me, don't waste what I have done to this clan guys lol
Killercyber, Proud Founder of Fake
Last edited by KillerCyber; Jun 23, 2012 at 01:58 AM.