Hello, my name is Noah, 14 years of age. I enjoy moaning with Kido on skype, calling sparchar gay, sending Izi mystery gifts, and playing ding dong ditch around my neighborhood. I also enjoy playing guitars, singing to kido at night, making myself look dumb, and also being a str8 thug irl.
Hey guys, my name is Noah or Buze or Sovern, you can call me either. I am a 14 year old kid, from a small town in Florida (GMT=-5). My skype is (you guys have it) and I am on everyday talking to others.I really enjoy talking to others while playing, it feels nice and peaceful.
I want to join Electric because of the members, the members are great and want to further develop a relationship with them. There is also another reason I am want to join, it is because if the overall activity of Electric. I have been wanting to join this clan for a while, and hope to achieve that.
I have been permabanned on BuZe
I have been in countless clans, and I forgot their names.
EDIT: some things about myself: I play sports such as soccer, football, but I had surgery on my back 3 yrs ago so I can't play those sports anymore. On to my academics, I am in tenth grade. We will say that I am super smart and done two grades in two years (I really did that). I like to be in forums and talk to friends. I would consider myself a good-ish person, I'm not good at judging my own personality, so yeah!
Thanks for reading,
Last edited by royal; Feb 2, 2016 at 09:44 PM.