Why did you bring it up in this thread and not the General Chat thread though? Lol, this is strictly for recruiting, not really conversation pieces. :3
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Greetings Electric! I am going to start this off by telling you guys some facts about me.

I'm Dylan and I'm thirteen years old, not turning fourteen for a while. I am a national Judo competitor I'm a brown belt I just turned age to get it. Some of my hobbies are Skateboarding, Video games, and Surfing. I can't really surf anymore cause I moved to Texas from Hawaii. Speaking of places I also lived in Canada for like two years. I am in the seventh grade decent grades nothing too fancy. I easily get distracted because of ADD. I am a quiet person when I'm with people I don't know. I think a lot, I would just stare outside a window and just think about stuff, that's when I get really bored. My parents are divorced, so at times it can get hard to play Toribash, but I have two computers one at each parents. I almost always find a way to wonder onto the forums.

Me in Toribash:

I am a black belt, 5th Dan on my old account. I am a pretty well rounded player in mods. I like Taekyyon, rk-mma, and my personal favorite Aikido based mods. I like to experiment when I play Aikido I mostly go for a modified clap and then press relaxall for the 2nd turn. From there I try to get underneath my opponent and suplex or lift. Yes I'm a lifter and I'm proud.
I play relaxed to I don't play well when my Tori is stiff. The reason to this is I like to get momentum to do a strike and for me it seems more relaxed carries more momentum. If I play competitive for a duel or clan war I play it more safe and go for a drop down. If not that I go for a kick. I loose most of my matches by them getting more points I have a problem with that.

Why Electric? and past Clans.

Well my past clans are (Flip) [Nitro] and Electric. The reason I left was inactivity like bad. It was me sparchar and applejack who were posting.
Oh Yea I joined electric on acjudoka. I don't use acjudoka that much anymore.But anyways I left Flip because of inactivity and it was my beginner clan. Nitro was I just left because I was in there for five months and got a little boring and I didn't feel like I fit. I would like to join Electric again because when I originally came to it I planned on staying longer but like a said earlier. I see that you guys are warring and more of you are ingame. You guys are now one of the most active out there. I can't bring much but that I am super active ingame and like a seven out of ten on forums. I can bring more warring help and recruiting.


Well I am cutting it off here because I have to go to school. I don't have skype I am not allowed. But my steam is pnutbutta_jelly. Thank you for your time and if I made any mistakes pm me. Well this is it. "Electric."
Hello, my name is Noah, 14 years of age. I enjoy moaning with Kido on skype, calling sparchar gay, sending Izi mystery gifts, and playing ding dong ditch around my neighborhood. I also enjoy playing guitars, singing to kido at night, making myself look dumb, and also being a str8 thug irl.

Hey guys, my name is Noah or Buze or Sovern, you can call me either. I am a 14 year old kid, from a small town in Florida (GMT=-5). My skype is (you guys have it) and I am on everyday talking to others.I really enjoy talking to others while playing, it feels nice and peaceful.

I want to join Electric because of the members, the members are great and want to further develop a relationship with them. There is also another reason I am want to join, it is because if the overall activity of Electric. I have been wanting to join this clan for a while, and hope to achieve that.

I have been permabanned on BuZe

I have been in countless clans, and I forgot their names.

EDIT: some things about myself: I play sports such as soccer, football, but I had surgery on my back 3 yrs ago so I can't play those sports anymore. On to my academics, I am in tenth grade. We will say that I am super smart and done two grades in two years (I really did that). I like to be in forums and talk to friends. I would consider myself a good-ish person, I'm not good at judging my own personality, so yeah!
Thanks for reading,
Last edited by royal; Feb 2, 2016 at 09:44 PM.
Originally Posted by Sovern View Post
*making real app while u read this*

*drops mic*

I am Noah, 14 years of age, I like to play this game, brawlhalla and LoL
sparchar is gay and likes men
ry for reading this app

hope i get accepted

How about no? Make your app in a readable color and also don't write bull shit.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
damn you need to chill twilight, he said he was updating it with a real shit.

your app will be voted on
no u

Then why doesn't he just wait to post it instead of wasting a perfectly good post with nonsense?
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.