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[YouTube] Saveable

Welcome to


ConCon Channel

This is a YouTube series in which I present the community with a challenge in which you must save yourself in tough situations as brought to you by the community.

This will be focused on your abilities to edit replays and save yourself from losing, in hopes that you will have fun and possibly learn new things.

This is a weekly event.

Think you've got the Saving skill for the Challenge?


You must use the replay in which the tough situation is shown and edit it from a specific frame.
You may only post 1 replay attempt.
Do not post failed saves.

You may Post 2 kinds of replays!

- Your entry
- A tough situation to be used as a "Saveable Challenge"

Please be informative on which replay kind you are posting.

The Videos:


Last edited by ConCon; Oct 22, 2014 at 11:25 PM.
Or nah...
Attached Files
Saveable - 23 - Luck or nah.rpl (30.6 KB, 11 views)
♦ "thx bananas my love" -Shakky ♦
[TA] || ♪♪ Popping pills is all we know ♪♪ || [TA]
weew I made it into the video too bad i didn't get this one in time
#Saveable 22 (AcidPunch).rpl
The next Saveable challenge:
Attached Files
#Saveable 23 (AcidPunch).rpl (112.7 KB, 11 views)
Last edited by AcidPunch; Oct 27, 2014 at 08:59 AM.
Proud member of The Bomb Squad
Rank: Replay Expert
Don't let what happened in the past bring you down, for tomorrow is a new day, full of opportunity.
Ugh couldnt get any dms with this one but i got a frac at least.
Attached Files
Down to cow town.rpl (61.0 KB, 8 views)
Become one with the cow.
If you need to contact me, my Discord username is simply "ediblecow."
Couldn't get in a good position to dm or anyting, leg switch maybe looks cool or something. save itself was easy tho.
Attached Files
savable wip 4.rpl (96.4 KB, 7 views)
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

My Replay For Saveable Week 23
My foot was just about balancing on the black line, holy shit that was hard. xD

Attached Files