Christmas Lottery
first time showing my replays
Attached Files
46454sparror4356445445.rpl (336.0 KB, 12 views)
4335.rpl (60.6 KB, 7 views)
43534534534.rpl (62.8 KB, 8 views)
435345343534.rpl (57.5 KB, 11 views)
000teeek43.rpl (65.9 KB, 8 views)
4523544.rpl (76.8 KB, 9 views)
53645645.rpl (88.1 KB, 8 views)
54443.rpl (52.6 KB, 7 views)
54645645654.rpl (65.9 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by Diamond; Jan 27, 2013 at 09:12 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Pretty epic stuff you got there man ;o sparor, teek and some aikidosave's and that semi-roundhouse kick (43523 numbers omgosh) were particularly enjoyable. Also start naming your replays cause it's giving someone like me a migraine when trying to refer to some of your replays that have nondescript and random numbers on them ;d I have no doubt you are creative enough to generate some
Added some of mine.
Attached Files
asskick.rpl (121.2 KB, 4 views)
birdie.rpl (88.2 KB, 5 views)
boop.rpl (123.1 KB, 3 views)
fantom.rpl (98.7 KB, 4 views)
gory.rpl (99.1 KB, 3 views)
killer.rpl (132.7 KB, 3 views)
protest.rpl (71.0 KB, 3 views)
soclose.rpl (88.7 KB, 3 views)
vital.rpl (83.0 KB, 3 views)
wushrice.rpl (115.9 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by k6vamees; Jan 29, 2013 at 12:42 PM.
But why's the rum gone? :v
Pretty cool replay

wanted to share to you guy's
*With not to :/
Attached Files
JustBecameMoreViolent1.rpl (120.8 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by violentz; Jan 30, 2013 at 07:58 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Diamond, I didn't know you were so good at sparring ;O well done. Looks kewl. Also, love the split kicks. Rice, love the way you juggled me in that replay. Pro, didn't let me land to recover, and the match with deppy was very nice. I'll post sometime, haven't been saving my victories much lately, they've all been pretty good.
More More More More! Added carey's awesome jutsu replay on his request, also killer's punch obliteration there.
Attached Files
againaikido.rpl (47.0 KB, 3 views)
careycap.rpl (85.8 KB, 3 views)
carjutsu.rpl (74.7 KB, 5 views)
killedthekiller.rpl (35.7 KB, 3 views)
killerkilledthevodka.rpl (32.9 KB, 3 views)
moreaikido.rpl (55.2 KB, 3 views)
shockaikido.rpl (35.9 KB, 4 views)
shrimptk.rpl (76.9 KB, 3 views)
stabzaikido.rpl (90.3 KB, 3 views)
But why's the rum gone? :v