[02:30] <Fish> This clan doesn't deserve to be official. Most of the members are clueless. When I see them ingame they argue over stupid stuff. Their leader doesn't even know how to lead well. When they recruit they seem to accept anyone just so they can have members in the clan (from what I've seen ingame). There knowledge of forums and ingame are quite faded, because of their actions I've seen them take. Deak carries
[02:30] <Fish> on a persona of him being a great leader, but truly he is not. Therefore I vote no because Bad leader+Bad members= Failure.
Yea, if you start talking shit ingame and I see it, you will be kicked now. I warned you guys long enough to shut the fuck up.
Also, I am going to get you all into offical state before applying. I thought you all was ready but apperantly not. You can leave if you start thinking I am a dick but I am going to be a drill instructor and get you in shape to be offical before being offical, just like basic training, train a recruite to be a Marine before he becomes one.
If I tell you to shut up and stop something, if you keep doing it I will kick you now. I am not playing around.
Also, recruitment wise, we are going to be strict on our inviting. We are only inviting someone if they are going to post, if not then it's a autono.