View Poll Results: We want a name change, but should we change just the tag or the name and the tag?
Just the tag
17 Votes / 17.53%
Name and tag
34 Votes / 35.05%
I like the name and tag
46 Votes / 47.42%
Voters: 97. You may not vote on this poll
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Originally Posted by sledgren View Post
@pidgenere are you forum active? just a question...
@Virus I love that one with electricity bolt through the O, but we need original art sadly. and Idk who is going to make us art now
@Pimpkilla I hope you mean on your main to help me lead! we have a strict no alts in the clan rule, sorry bro.

I am going to host a JOlt tourney tonight ingame. we need some publicity. take take 30k from bank, 10k first 5k second. 15k for global.

globals are 10k
Well it was worth a try, I'll let you guys figure this out, but WAPOW is my home can't leave for anything no matter what.
Don't believe in a cripple cause he'll prove you wrong.
ok well it's too late to do the event tonight, guess tomorrow night is better becuase i can do it earlier.

And completely understand you Pimp. your still the best ally ever!