I get banned a lot because my laptop is temperamental and can overheat/crash at any given moment, so I'm currently levelling up my smurf. I try my best not to be an arse but playing with some of these people is frustrating beyond belief. I'm not a great player but I play at a level where the people I am matched with will generally know when they/I make mistakes, and no issues are made of it when they happen. However, the people I am paired with on the smurf apparently never make mistakes and will rage-feed if you suggest otherwise. I find that very few of my games are enjoyable, especially given that nobody seems to respect pick order etiquette.
My elo is 1098. I'm guessing that's bad, considering it's bronze. I think I'm 5:8 now or something? Yeah, 5:8. I played another ahri solo mid and our jungler carried like crazy, I got ganked really early so I went pretty awful. Oh well, thankfully the jungler was a lot better than me and managed to get our victory.
I was 1340, but I went on a 7 game losing streak...
It all started when I had an afk Lee Sin, which turned into a 4v5. My elo dropped to 1310 or something. My next 6 games I had at least 1 feeder or an afker, or one REALLY bad player. Not i'm 9-12 with a 1150 elo or something
I miss Rengar.
Whoever it was who was saying I shouldn't be playing ranked, I understand your point but I honestly think I'll only improve if I play ranked. Playing normal games, there's nothing achieved from it except your k/d. When I play ranked I find myself actually doing things to help the team etc, I feel I'll only get better if I play seriously and in ranked. Normal games don't really do it for me, all you get is a pretty match history and a few numbers added to your badges :c