It's always boring without head hunters to spice up your day.
After all my kind is dwindling to a few. My generation of TB players are becoming less and less. Sadly it's the truth we are becoming less. Most of the people who I started with are either Still here but very inactive OR gone. Good example is musket and blackacezi, Lucent etc etc.
I really think I'm next though :P
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

dont leave us, link, please, we need leader like you, also i need my decapmaster

Apathetic User
Kameron: it was a glitch, it comes always when someone adds decapprize, duels or bets

Apathetic User
yet I was in a server by myself when I got disconnected when my internet was runnung perfectly fine.
And it crashed on start up, and several times in Free Play.

Explain that away kgo.
it's fixed now. also, i'll open a thread to test one thingy.

Pls dont close it.

Apathetic User
HTML only works if you import it. The forum takes in BBCode only but BBCode allows HTML with a certain tag, [HTML] I'd think. BBCode uses [] instead of <>.
Also, what would a span do? If anything, wouldn't it be <color> or <p color>? Spans are better with CSS formatting as opposed to specifying an area in HTML.
<p color="Green"></p> is the best way to do it, but if a span tag works, go ahead. 

[COLOR="Yellow"][/COLOR] is the BBCode format of colouring.
That's a coding lesson for today, unless you already knew it..
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.