We're all a premade except ashe, ashe is a random. We decided we could win if we built attack speed and damage so that we could push like crazy instead of having team battles. We bd'd whenever possible and ended up absolutely raping their turrets in like 3 seconds. At the start of the game we decided it'd be funny if we had teemo and lulu top both with AP/Attack speed builds. Endd up failing miserably, but with our attack speed we just killed everything late game. Moral of the story, surrendering is for fags.
Oh and the large amount of deaths on our time was because we were literally running into their base one by one and getting raped, funny times.
Also I know this is horrible, the builds are horrible and it was a horrible idea, I just think it's humorous that it actually worked.
Last edited by BladesOnToast; Jan 21, 2013 at 02:13 PM.