its not too long
it says
Allow Basic BB Code Yes
Allow Color BB Code Yes
Allow Size BB Code No
Allow Font BB Code Yes
Allow Alignment BB Code Yes
Allow List BB Code No
Allow Link BB Code Yes
Allow HTML No
Allow Image BB Code No
Allow Code BB Code No
Allow PHP BB Code No
Allow HTML BB Code No
Allow Quote BB Code No
Allow Smilies No
Can Upload Images for Signature No
Can Upload Animated GIF for Signature No
So, why haven't you just saved it?
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
What exactly you want for signature?
If you want a picture in it then you need to purchase Toribash Prime here.

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

Official minibash tester. Please email [email protected] if you have found a bug!

Originally Posted by Slipanc View Post
What exactly you want for signature?
If you want a picture in it then you need to purchase Toribash Prime here.

aww that sucks...
why should you have to pay to have a sig?
That's for image sigs.

You can have a text sig for free.

Why? Because we decided most image sigs looked like crap.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!