"The Scorpion" (yes, the name sucks)
I got to fooling around with the single player a bit during the dead morning hours of the LAN party I went for the weekend, and came up with this move through experimentation. It is not Earth-shatteringly special, but it is a relatively clean decap in a rather innovative way. And yeah, probably doesn't resemble a scorpion in any way, but I couldn't come up with anything better.
Distance: 100
Turn frames: 10
Match frames: 300 (or more/less depending what you want to do after the move: the actual move is 110 frames long)
Grab hands
Contract pecs
Space x2
Contract hips
Extend knees
Space x3
Hold all
Contract hips
Contract abs
Lower shoulders
Space x2
Extend pecs
Space x2
Contract knees
There, that's the actual decap part. I usually end it by extending hips and backflipping onto my feet (a pretty easy maneuver from that position). I haven't managed to devise any sort of follow-up attacks to this however, and I think there could be potential there for some more mayhem. Feedback would be appreciated, but I will also continue tweaking with this myself.