Original Post
searching for Full text pack- trade 2 flames for it
pm me for pics they are wing flames.
i want a texture pack without- dq ground and trails so blah blah blah get off your asses and trade me one.
illl give u all textures except feet hands trails and dq and ground
<retret>kicks alert in the vaga <alert242>gg <retret>gg <alert242>actually i prefer dicks and fingers
waht do flames look like i can trade u all exept trails ground feet right leg and right tricep
Wanna see some ruffled feathers in Taekkyon

<Icky> Damn my mouth is on fire but my loins stir like the straits
dude mine would be better more textures from me lol
<retret>kicks alert in the vaga <alert242>gg <retret>gg <alert242>actually i prefer dicks and fingers