Original Post
Handstand - Kick technique
Here's an awesome Handstand - Kick Technique I like to use:

Setup: Match Frames: 500-1000
Turn Frames: 10
Engage Distance: 170
Dismemberment: 9

"Press C"

Extend Hips
Contract Knees
Extend Ankles

Space x 5

Contract Pecs
Raise Shoulders

Space x 5

Extend Knees

You can do what you want from there, If you did it right your enemy should be kicked in half and flying!
Attached Files
Handstand Kick.rpl (20.8 KB, 32 views)
Re: Handstand - Kick technique
Hm, didn't work for me, try to extend abs and contract ankles before extending knees.. that worked
Re: Handstand - Kick technique
If dismemberment is set to other value than 0 or 1, then it automatically changes to 0.. but I still have 1.99 version of Toribash, maybe it's changed in 2.0 or higher.

Dismemberment value in setup indicates, if you are able to punch/kick off body parts of your opounent.
And excuse my english, I'm not native english speaker...