Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Top 10 de Clanes
Hola a todos, etaba rondadno por el foro y me encontre con esto:

Top Ten clans
After hours of ranking every official clan that has ever been made
I came up with this...
The Top Ten clans.
Known for having the most skilled and Godly players of the community ToriGods has been around for quite sometime picking up only the best members they can find.
A legendary clan of pure skill and madness Alpha has very nice members that are mature and all have good skills and a sense of humor.They have won hundreds of competitons and matches.
although they are not Ingame active any member would love to be in NO with just a quick look over there forums.They are always mature any where they go, and have there own little "spunk" to all there posts and comments.
probably one of the most known clans in all of toribash due to the fact they have some of the most skilled, ingame active, members in all of toribash. Even with there strange since of humor they always manage to keep serious in events or just every day Toribash.
This clan has had tons of trained , well rounded members that always manage to come ontop In competitions, Events and even Ingame activity.
in all of toribash Urban has surprised everyone by staying alive over the some amount of time. all of there members are very ingame active and on the forums as well. most every member has well over 1000 post's. Even with the loss of there recent leader they have managed to hold up.
absolutly the funniest clan I have ever seen even with some of the most mature people. even over the years they have kept there same humor and style that never manages to board.even with lots of members they are very organized and are very respected.
at moments of toribash history Evolution has had the most 10th dan blackbelts at once. they only have a few members now but those members are high on skill and never give up in a fight.
9. Relaxall
one of the biggest and oldest clans of toribash relax has had members that are absolutly amazing in Wushu and Taekkyon. they are very close firends with everyone in the community and have devolped friendships with hundreds of members and clans.
10. Spirit
A clan full of artists and mods Spirit is truly a sight to see with pretty much everything they do.
only enviting the best of the best the are naturaly professional and smooth.

honorable mentions:
practicly the oldest clan in all of toribash. only game desginers for toribash and the respected are aloud in this clan. although only with 3 members they creat the very game we play with all the little details.
a clan pretty much full of mods and smods Sheep is wildly known for there funny attitude, and has always been at the top of there game.
If you are one of the lucky few to join sheep be prepared for nonstop insanity and fun.
one of my favorite clans of all time parrot is a fun , experienced, great clan of loads of members with all good personalities.
although they may not me the most ingame active if you encounter one of them ingame you better be prepared for a fight because if you arnt you will soon want to be.
cannible lasted what seemed ages but with a little mistake they fell out of the clans list and seperated all there members. they are still very much respected because of there skill , talent, and experience.
although they are gone everyone still remmbers them.
previously known as "ten thousand Fists" incognito is a small clan of only some of the best replay makers and artists of the toribash world.
even with a few inactive people they manage to hold together with the few charicteristics they have.
A very old and highly skilled clan inq still today is growing in numbers, probably
one of the most ingame active clans.
with there hordes of members inq will overwhelm you with great skill, and good friendships.
hung has been forgotten over the past few months but some people still remember there glory.
they are almost dead but a few devoted members have been keeping it alive over the years.
a fairly new clan T is one of the most mature clans I have ever seen.
all there members play ingame ssomewhat but when it comes down to single player multiplayer is a piece of dust. with there fluid fast paced replays you will be blown away.
Best time crew has considerably some of the most skilled and known players.
even as old as they are almost all of there members have been there for a huge amount at a time.
if you see a Btc ingame you better watch out because get in a match with one of them you will wish you hadn't.
A very new clan that is growing rapidly. with it artists/ replay makers and multiplayer guru's Raid is one of the most set up and professional clans of the day.
considering they are new all of there members are pumped and full of action.
Not even an official clan yet 42 is a rapidly growing clan with well over 20 members, and still counting
even thoa they dont have forum, you will always see at least 2 42 members ingame at once.
even with there multiplayer action they are alsoo very skilled in Sp.
12. Guru
one of the best clans of the old toribash day guru has slowly died out but they will always be thought of as one of the best.
13. Sigma
awesome members most of which are skilled ingame. A few mods and PT's there too.
even with loads of members they seem to always stay organized within the community.
14. DAT
Death and taxxes will always be rememberd as the toughest clan to join and to beat in a fight. they have had hundreds over members over the past that all had enough skill to DM people in almost every fight. they have always been high on standards and and on skill.
15. Jolly Roger
currently the clan with the most 10th dan blackbelts and above jolly roger is very ingame active.
they have loads of skill in various official mods.although they are well known in the community they soon will be.
16. German metal fighters
a very skilled group of german people that have some real talent in multipul mods.
they recently had a forum delete so they are still rebuilding up to the glory days.
thanks for reading and if you have a clan you would like to recommend or add just post what you think of the clan and if it fits up to the standards of the list It will be apply'd.

Thank you

Es un lista de algunos clanes buenos y los mejores 10.

como podran observar, no etsamos, pero de todos modos me parecio interesante posearlo aqui. Tampoco se menciona que aspectos tomo en cuenta pero bueh. Vamos a ezforzarnos un poco (bueno mucho) y quedar ahi (al menos mecionados :P)?

Nos tengo fe.

XOXO Wildslash
Amen a las palabras de Wild vamos muchachos echemoles ganas en lo q hacemos ^_^ a trabajar por el clan al 3,000% desen a conoser como los mejores DEL MUNDO !!!! xD
back from the dead
y si simpre fue haci latin .... no se esfuerzan lo suficiente para sacarlo a flote y hacerlo ver como un clan respetable depues me decian q clan hack son todos raros por tiene mala fama los russos pero ellos aparecen, crean cosas videos simpre visito su foro es re interesante a parte de tener muchas reglas muy buenas hace mucho ..... =)
PD:wildd buen aporto no habia visto esto xd
pd:Kael okidoki XD ^^
Last edited by DarkScorpion; Sep 9, 2009 at 01:26 AM.
wild perfectas tus palabras hay q esforsarse mas , yo creo que tamos metiendo muchisima garra todos por llevar adelante al clan y de apoco va a creciendo yo nose si ustedes se fijan o miran , si algunos se acuerdan comparen el clan como esta ahora como era hace 4 meses o hace 3 meses esto viene repuntando gente pero todos tenemos que ponerle fuerza y apuntar a un mismo odjetivo como clan y no a nuestro bien personal yo creo que aunq no nos nombre somos un clan conocido y respetado aparte no es por menospreciarnos pero esos clanes que salen ahi en el top 10 tiene si historia y son muy conocidos ,bueno un poco aparte del tema no mas voy a decirte una cosa figh vos dejaste el clan y como hiciste eso te voy a pedir q tmb dejes los foros del clan por q al no formar parte del clan no podes opinar de los temas que se tratan aqui

Figh si te fuistes y nos distes las espaldas epesar de todo lo q te soportamos te pido de porfavor q no te metas con la motivacion del clan por que esto es un thread con el proposito de sibir el animo de los MIENBROS DE [LATIN] y tu vienes con tus palabras necias a tratar de opacarnos pues te voy a decir q ni yo ni ninguno del clan va a soportar q nos traten como basura y te vamos a demostrar a ti y a todos los que piensan como tu de lo q somos capses y q UNIDOS COMO CLAN vamos a llegar mas lejos de lo que jamas ayas pensado.

Edit: Te vuelvo a dar las gracias Wild por aver sacado de tu tiempo y de aver tenido el valor y la iniciativa de acer este thread.
back from the dead
ya habia visto ese thread, y no es un top 10 oficial, es solo el rankin que un fulano cualquiera se le ocurrio hacer, no se dejen llevar por eso, igual yo puedo hacer hacer un top 10 con el clan Latin hasta arriba y seria lo mismo ¬¬
█ ☠ █
^ Si en parte Jak tiene razon. (No me extraña que la tenga jeje). Pero igual creo yo que esta bastante bien hecho el ranking. (aaunque no sea el verdadero top 10).

Bueno, cambiando de tema...:P.... Estamos en produccion de un video el cual puede sumar puntos. Eso ayudara a dar mas(emm aver como lo podria decir...) "respeto" demostrando nuestras habilidades. Ademas de que estoy pensando un Logo para el clan (hice uno pero parecia un signo nazi O.o) eso puede ayudar tambien supongo.

Tambien hay mimbrso muy habilidosos del clan que ganan muchos tourneys y sin bien respetados.

Mi objetivo en realidad no es estar 1ro en ningun ranking, pero si nos ezforsamos y crecemos pueden que nos reconoscan mas. El problema esta que no hay muchos Latinos en Tori (con relacion a Rusos, y Anglosajones o Europeos).

Bueno despes de todo, que suerte que les gusto el tema y que estan de acuerdo con migo ^^

Adelante con Latin!
If you have a problem with the list or want latin to be in it send me a Pm or post it in the thread.
- > - > ORMO | 7th dan < - < -
<Muse> hush little kronos, dont you cry, Muse is gonna sing you a lullaby
Me apena mucho q no hayan captado el concepto del tema T_T
Last edited by Jakob; Sep 10, 2009 at 12:05 AM.
back from the dead