Hi Its Me [Nightmare]Siyabent
Just Call Me Nightmare.
I Just Joined Toribash,
Got A Blue Belt, here is some more information:
Your toricredits: just a lil bit: 36607.00 (36.6k)
Your Qi: this amount is extremely rare, Not: 302
items: Full Pharos, Full Shaman, Full Texture Pack.
Advanced textures,trails etc.
my goal:
Buy void relax + force.
and get cool textures.
-> me if you dont listen
you if you dont listen
The Bloody master has just logged in.
i have some replays with 705K points( No mod )
me VS. Vermine 2 versions*
and more;)
*2 versions:
THE BATTLE IS FAKE i custumized uke to vermine, just for the coolness