Tips and perfection [SP only]
Well ive seen alot of replays that have the same responses. more joints, symmetrical ect.
so i want you to use these tips to perfect your replays
HERE IT IS! Note: for SP only.- Use all the joints you can. You can get alot of power from using your chest
- Every frame counts! use shift+P to go foreward a frame and do this until you get the perfect frame
- Arms and legs. Swing your arms up to get a extra boost for your jump
- Follow up. After a deadly kick, grab the opponent and dont let him fly away. You can get more Dms this way
- Symmetry. Dont do that
- Sometimes relax is better that extend. So pretend you have a lethal kick, and you want to get the most power out of it, and you have decent momentum. Relax the knee and watch and learn
- Decent mods only. Not like a sword
- Study. Look at other players replays. use P to pause the replay and shift+P to go foreward one frame. Press E to see the joints they used.
- Abs and Lumbar. Very deadly. Learn to use them.
- Grab the opponent and swing him to your attacking force.
- Kicks and Grabs. Grab Uke then Kick, causing more power.
- Don't mix styles or if your gonna mix em' do it right! (breakdance+madman)
- Last resort for a dm:hax
- If your doing a madman and dont get a dm, EDIT IT! Dont start all over!
might make MP tips later
Last edited by riverchen; Oct 11, 2009 at 03:46 PM.