There's a possible disaster that can occur though. Not likely, but it's something I think about a lot.
If you wish to delete a thread, it will ask you to relog to verify this request. You recently changed your password, but you forget that you even did.
You attempt to relog, but after 4 unsuccessful login attempts, you're sitting there still typing your old password
very slowly with a WTF look on your face. After the 5th attempt, login is disabled for 15 minutes. A wild pornbot appears, and you're the only one online/paying attention. You'll have to sit there for like, 15 minutes just watching the bots spew porn around. You go on IRC, but mods are asleep.
After the pornbots are gone, you're under heavy scrutiny from everyone from just sitting there while porn was being thrown around, and you're all "I can explain!"
Last edited by Guv_na; Oct 4, 2009 at 03:15 PM.