Original Post
Let's play: Dead Frontier
I tried searching the forums but there was only one other very old thread about this game in discussion.

Dead frontier is a survival horror MMO played in a top down perspective where you kill zombies and loot buildings and corpses. You can pick from a range of classes that offer different bonuses such as bonus skill to Pistols, Melee, Machine guns etc. You head out into the inner city either by yourself or with other players (Single/multi player options).There is also PvP but I don't try that much.

It is still in a developmental stage with plans to increase the number of on-screen zombies and players.

If you feel like playing head over to or use
If you feel like making me some money of course :P but I don't care much. If you need help contact me in-game as Robomohawk/Robomo. I could give you some money for ammo or such if you run out.

Robomohawk - level 19 Soldier/level 1 policeman (Mohawk)
Alanmc - level 2 or 3
Malvado - level 6 Boxer.
Dtwonfire - level 9 teacher(?)
Bilza - level 6 soldier

If anyone else plays post or PM me.
Last edited by Robo-Mohawk; Oct 14, 2009 at 04:24 PM.
ive registered under bilza, character name is tom cruise
its a good game tbh, but relies too much on having certain supplys, as to get back to the outpost, you either have to trudge across the whole city, or have plenty of barracading materials on you.

Also, if you want to game, just send me a PM on here, or on the dead frontier stuff, ive only just started, but alot of people are helping,

EDIT: does anyone know how to use a medical service fromt eh market place, they are cheap , but im not sure how to use it :3
Last edited by Bilza; Oct 13, 2009 at 07:25 PM.
In the marketplace you drag the medical supply from your inv the the + sign and it uses it. Also I died while going to malvado and alan on my alt cause my cat started attacking me =(. Im joining the irc room also