Originally Posted by
we never said its a bad thing that you liked TH. were just saying what we think. also were not saying its a fact that the board will suck. thats our opinion it has a chance of sucking
1. Yes because after a long day, the first thing I'm going to do is jump on a board to fake skate, when I could
actually skate OR use buttons.
2. As unimportant as story is for skateboarding, I generally found that all the TH games, SUCKED. How cliche is it for a 'down in the dumps' kid to 'make it big' and then his friend gets jealous and OMG HE T0TALLY HAS TO DO A TRICK OFF 2 WIN. Dumb.
3. Graphics and gameplay. My experiences in tony hawk games have been epic before 'skate' and crap after it. I realize now that holding A should not bring you up to speed in 3 seconds, and letting go of it and pressing x and moving your joystick to the left to kickflip doesn't even compare to:
4. Besides, if I wanted to skate using a motion system, it would be with NATAL. Even though it would take more effort, at least you have to ACTUALLY jump as opposed to t he board which you probably have to just lean on on something. And you have to 'imaginary kickflip' to kickflip for NATAL/skate.
5. GG.