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tony hawk series
who likes tony hawks games

i cant wait till the new one

it is called ride but it looks

very cool with the new


Looks like a desperate attempt at emulating Skate 2.
Skate has pretty much demolished THPS now.
It looks pretty crappy :C

I'm not one of those graphic freaks, but it remind me of playing bugs life maybe 10 years ago. ( graphics wise )

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~TheElement Signature WingFlame
I just have this nagging feeling that the new board peripheral for Ride will suck ass. Even if they get it right they still have to make sure they don't fuck up the rest of the game which is what they've had a tendency to do lately. If you want a good Tony Hawk game play any games Underground 2 or prior. any of the games after suck except for American Wasteland which i thought was decent. I agree with Warcry TH is pretty much fucked now.
Originally Posted by toripro View Post
but i like th and i think the bord is awsome i went to e3 and tried it out

we never said its a bad thing that you liked TH. were just saying what we think. also were not saying its a fact that the board will suck. thats our opinion it has a chance of sucking
Originally Posted by randomguy8 View Post
we never said its a bad thing that you liked TH. were just saying what we think. also were not saying its a fact that the board will suck. thats our opinion it has a chance of sucking

1. Yes because after a long day, the first thing I'm going to do is jump on a board to fake skate, when I could actually skate OR use buttons.

2. As unimportant as story is for skateboarding, I generally found that all the TH games, SUCKED. How cliche is it for a 'down in the dumps' kid to 'make it big' and then his friend gets jealous and OMG HE T0TALLY HAS TO DO A TRICK OFF 2 WIN. Dumb.

3. Graphics and gameplay. My experiences in tony hawk games have been epic before 'skate' and crap after it. I realize now that holding A should not bring you up to speed in 3 seconds, and letting go of it and pressing x and moving your joystick to the left to kickflip doesn't even compare to:

4. Besides, if I wanted to skate using a motion system, it would be with NATAL. Even though it would take more effort, at least you have to ACTUALLY jump as opposed to t he board which you probably have to just lean on on something. And you have to 'imaginary kickflip' to kickflip for NATAL/skate.

5. GG.