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[BUY] Right Shoulder Flame
Ok so I'm looking for a right shoulder flame as the title says, i want it to stick close to the shoulder and no real trail, it should move up and backwards from the tori some. As for colors i want it to start void and turn azurite or imperial (I hope that all makes sense)

As for price well i have 84k, anything in my inventory, and a texture set (look in sig)
iCoF l OLDA l OoT
It looks like that goes out from the pec, not the shoulder, and I realize I didn't describe what I was looking for correcly (dumb moment lol) but have it even closer to the shoulder then that, like half that distance at most, and have it go towards the right a little bit, i love the color change on that though and sorry I'm being so picky lol
iCoF l OLDA l OoT