Original Post
[AUCTION] Eternal Darkness Flame

Hello everyone,
I am here to offer you this very special and unique flame which was forged in the darkest place of the universe - The Eternal Darkness Flame!

Not only it looks magnificent but also it shakes just like it wants to explode and show its real power!

To see the flame in game type:
/dl Luke
/lp 0 Luke

Auction Details:
Starting Bid: 100k
Minimum Raise: 1k
Autobuy: NONE
End Date: 48hours from the last bid

Highest Bid: 100k [mrbrightside]

Happy bidding : )
Last edited by Luke; Nov 4, 2009 at 06:53 PM.
Nice flame Luke.
Like you and Renkai I also had a name change.
This is sort of similar to my flame.
What hand is it?
UTM 4ever |4bb не для слабаков
Larry, I am sorry but items are not accepted. Thanks, name in thread changed.

Alph, it's a left hand flame.
mrbrightside, here you are. Unfortunately pictures do not show true 'soul' of my flame. In game it shakes like its going to explode unleashing its inside power. Just /dl me to see how it looks.

Here is the picture:

bombastix, I am sorry but I do not understand you.
