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Question about the "Customize Player" option
Well, all of those joints and stuff are really cool, but a lot of them, as far as I know, aren't obtainable, and I haven't seen anyone with them (examples would be Demon and Hydra, which I remember because they're the 2 I'm interested in). So are they going to be available, or are they already and I'm just being lame? Thanks.
Demon is very unlikely to ever exist in more than 7 sets.

And, quite honestly, I highly doubt you'll ever touch even one of those seven.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Originally Posted by Kitsune-sama View Post
Wait, what's all that mean? Are you saying they're incredibly rare and I'll never see em? I don't follow.

Yes, he is *trying* to say that they are incredibly rare. And he was being MEAN by saying you'd never get to have such set.
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.
Originally Posted by veb View Post
And he was being MEAN by saying you'd never get to have such set.

Ya, but I think I got the point across. But where's hydra? It's not ubėr cool and rare and expensive and difficult to get as demon. Ofc, it could just have been an idea that's been thrown in and out a few windows...

(And to Kitsune-sama, if that little being mean hurt you, you should see how annoyed I get when people actually ask me for them, not just where to get them.)
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Originally Posted by Kitsune-sama View Post
Nah. I don't really get offended easily, especially since you're right. No hard feelings ^.^

Hydra and a few others are unreleased. As for demon, it only the league winners have it (and some people who paid extraordinarily large sums of money for them).

Or, suo is correct, and it will never be released. I'm interested in titan/hydra.
I think we should be allowed to see all the joints again. It seems all joints under 15000 credits show up for me since I don't have much money, but I'd like to see some of the others and know how much I need to buy them.