Original Post
[S] Petri's tc shop
I'm selling tcs. Prices:

$1=5k (minimum)
$5=25k + item(s) worth up to 20k
$10=50k +item(s) worth up to 40k
$20=100k + item(s) worth up to 80k

I accept euros too. 1€= about 1,4$

pm me the amount of tcs you want and I'll pm my paypal info to you.
After getting money I send tcs.

Please note, make sure you do a personal transfer and select gift so you do not get taxed.
Last edited by Petri; Dec 25, 2009 at 09:37 PM.
you have to add promos and you must have at least 500k tc.
promos cant be tc. they must be items or flames or texture sets or anything else but tc
You must have 500k tc in stock (meaning that you must be willing to sell that all of that 500k)

And these days, you need over indulgent promos because of the selling prices being cut in half. But it's just a suggestion. But go take a look at NutHug's tc shop. He doesn't put promos and nobody has bought from him yet.
T1cux: clan have eggs.
sry but these promos suck!
try that
$1=5k (minimum)
$5=25k + item(s) worth up tp 20k
$10=50k +item(s) worth up tp 40k
$20=100k + item(s) worth up tp 100k