Castra's replay thread
Hello, replay thread go go.
Description of replays:
000 BOOM YEAH - A triple kick rape and a pose at the end.
000 Feign kick - A feign, then i kick the guys nuts, shattering one of his glutes.
000 Minor save - I was going to lose by quite an amount, but then saved myself
Lolwut - Classic mod rape, my proffesion.
See if i care - A decap to uke.
Removed due to multiplayer majority.
Woop - Classy what what? <---- In a posh english accent right?
Take in mind that i just came back after a years retirement, cheers
Ratings and constructive criticsm appreciated.
Moved. Multiplayer replays belong in the multiplayer replay sub-forum only, thanks. ~Tamer0
Last edited by Tamer0; Dec 29, 2009 at 07:52 AM.