Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
4 Copper DQ's!
Hi Everyone!
I have 4 Copper DQ's. There isn't any Cooper DQ in the market and it is SOLD OUT!

This is my Auction:

Starting Bid: 3.100 TC's
Minimun Raise: 100 TC's
Autobuy: 5.200 TC's

4 Cooper DQ's in this single Auction!

If none bid here i'm going to sell them like single items...

End of the Auction: 01/03/2010 (MM/DD/YYY) [Mês/Dia/Ano)
Last edited by BRVitorBR; Jan 2, 2010 at 11:53 PM.
1. thats not how you spell lyer. It is spelled Liar

2. His bid is valid. 3350tc is over the minimum raise, therefore his bid is valid.

3. The biggest bid is not 3.1k with Dodekus anymore. It is with vitinhubla at 3350tc

EDIT: sorry, that guy is a liar. he only has 1tc