Original Post
Anyone for a texture shop?
Hello,well I want to make a texture shop with someone,it can be me and someone else,me and two other people or four people,I can do robotic,anime,a bit tribal and cartoon.I can
make heads (really good),avatars (Not sure),Signatures (Ok) and someother body textures but I don't make full sets,that's my weakness.If you want some examples of my work just tell me what style and what thing you want (head,avatar etc.)
If you wanna make a shop with me then just tell me what you use,how long you makde textures for and some examples of your work.
I'm not sure where this is supposed to go so I just made it here, if it belongs somewhere else,mod : please move it.
Have a nice day
Tint is sex.
I can't remember if it was you or hygencide that i made a head for, but if it was you, you will know what my style is...
Something about busses:D
Here are some heads,bare in mind that right now I don't make a lot cause I've got no reason for it.Also I don't take my time,when I have a shop I will take nmy time and do my best..

And again,I can do better..
Caz:No,not me..
Tint is sex.
See my head, that's my work.
also made lotrs of heads
Can i be with you? :3
hampa has sent you 300000 toricredits.
I looked at your art,I see you are pretty good,but,your prices are very high on a lot of your threads.I guess you can make a shop with me but you need to tell me much,what styles do you do? What are you best at? Tell me everything you can,we can either make an acc with our names mixed or one of us makes the thread (shop),tell me what you think..
Tint is sex.
yea that can be cool, or we can make an organisation or a little Team
You said we can be 3 or more ^^

I do Al heads, without robots.
and i like to do emos

I do Avys and sigs.


and now i work for free, but if it's a shop, i can be paid like 100 TC per head, not a problem
Last edited by sny; Jan 5, 2010 at 07:36 PM.
hampa has sent you 300000 toricredits.
Cyborg : No worries,if you want you can make a shop,sorry for before,I know you're busy.Yeah,what about sny,you and me?
Tint is sex.