Original Post
InsaneCak3's Flame Shop
InsaneCak3's Flame Shop
Requested & Premade Flames
Est. January the 12th - 2010
Flames served: 0

Premade Flames:

Void Wheel - 120000 (120K) TC

Crimson Void - 85000 (85K) TC

Elven Void - 65000 (65k) TC

The Flames can all be recolored

Requests Served

Request Form:
Flame Color/s:
Flame Bodypart:
Flame Size:
Special Effects:
Price Range:
Flame Name:
Last edited by InSaNeCaK3; Apr 17, 2010 at 12:47 AM.
Flame Shop
Proud Member of Atlantic etc.
I can make a flame by request, Warrior (sorry about the late reply).
Ranging from cost 36700 TC (No flame at all, just the flame item) to some horribly large terrifying number which I wont even begin to think about.
Flame Shop
Proud Member of Atlantic etc.
can i trade my flame that i have right now for a elven void for both hands(recolored to green)

just dl my guy
Membaof Element|My Sig
hey i want a purple sort of velvet colored flames for hands.. medium sized particles with a hint of black in it.. PM with info on the price and etc please. ty