Original Post
FireEyes Texture Shop

Welcome to my Shop

In Here I may sell my textures and also recolor your textures.
I don't do do request

Current Head for Sell:
(made by the help of DsNub,If DsNub buys he gets Discount)

Start.Bid:700 TC
Min.Raise 200 TC
Autobuy:2k TC
End Date: January 29th
So Bid and Bid

Happy Shopping
Last edited by fireeyes; Jan 23, 2010 at 02:37 PM.
I'm afraid that the mouth is horrible and it looks like you have coloured over a blonde head as I can see the blonde parts and the outlines.It's not really even worth 2k.Try
Start.Bid : 500 TC
Min.Raise : 200 TC
Autobuy: 1.5k TC
Tint is sex.