Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
+what is a .tmp
i keep getting these things called stuff like r_hand.tga.tmp and it takes away what ever texture it says like see here are to i have right now and i cant delete them some timesany idea what to do they make me slow and laggy and well its annoying that they delete my textures or well remove them
Last edited by carbonking; Feb 4, 2010 at 08:04 PM.
It means that it's a temporary file.

The TMP file type is primarily associated with 'Temporary File/Folder'. Temporary files are used for a wide variety of tasks. They are usually deleted after their purpose is served but circumstances sometimes cause them to be retained. It's tricky determining if you can delete the file or not since some programs may hide critical data within a .TMP file (not a good programming practice if you're a programmer reading this!).
i have to shut my comp off some times then come back and delete them but if its not a hidden virus or anything im okay thanks can some one close this now