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Ever had strange Deja vu or Dreams?
Ever had strange visions of things you never saw before...strange scenery..

Ever had Deja vu's?

Ever Had strange dreams that came true...?

Well, I had too many strange visions...I am not gonna talk about that or else you all will think I am on drugs.

I had a Dream a long time ago, when I was in Primary, I think...

I had a Dream that my friend who was down with Jaundice and wasn't coming to the school suddenly showed up one day on the front desk...but that wasn't his that was unusual.

Next day I went to school...and to my surprise...He was sitting on the same damned bench I dreamed him to be on...not only that...He somehow really came to school...he was still a little bit feverish.

He came to Take some notes and leave on half day...

But I was surprised by day he didn't come...He only appeared that day of the whole month.

So what about you all?
Warrior Do not live forever, But they don't die either.
I dream and like a week later it happens and as the events play out i remember them but i always say what i remember just not to fuck with whatevers causing me to have these strange de ja vu's.
Tits or gtfo.
Can't recall any deja vu happening, but i did have some bizzare dreams
I have a small collection of especially peculiar dreams that i remember, some pretty old.
It won't really do them justice if i try to describe them with a few words, but I'll give you a summary:

When i was in first grade, living in the city of Gatchina, i had a dream in which i talked with God (oh the irony). I perceived him as a deep voice coming from the orange sun before dusk. He told me something about gypsy boy and some other gibberish I can't recall now, after 14 years. It wasn't the message that impressed me (which I'm pretty sure consisted of incoherent statements), but the fact that i was talking to whom i perceived to be god at the time.
Now that i think about it, it was more of a monologue than a conversation, because i only listened. Who knows...Perhaps if i had a different mindset, I would have started a cult by now :P

Another one was a dream which, while uneventful, scared the shit out of me long after i had it. You see, when i was little i was terrified of swamps....Yep. The thought of a stinky goo sucking me in alive really got under my skin. I guess it's pretty ironic that the city I've lived most of my life in was surrounded by pinaceae forests and swamps.

The dream was really simple.....It involved me walking in the green mossy woods and approaching a huge swamp, which had an effect of causing intense vertigo in me, as if it wanted me to fall in. Yeah...that's it.

I don't really have a swamp 'phobia' anymore, although i still think it's a pretty bad way to go.

Last one was a dream in which everything was black and white. It's not a photo filter, though - i was on the moon. And there were aliens there, whom i discovered after stumbling on a cavern with a gray wooden door (things don't have to make sense in dreams hehe). The aliens were....rectangular shaped, silent, and made of cottage cheese (and i somehow knew that). I swear i am not making this shit up. The dream ended abruptly so i didn't get to really interact with them.

So, there. There are a couple others, but these are ones that really left an imprint in my memory.
Talking about even more strange dreams...well..

I had a dream I just woke up and found myself sleeping on terrace, which is not unusual...The Inside of the house burns up in its better to sleep out.

I looked at star...I fell asleep again. Then I woke up with terror...Very very Scary feeling that was...I looked at some higher building around Octopus streched his hand and grabbed me He threw me into the Washbasin of first floor...where grim reaper was laughing on me...Below the fence which was near the Washbasin...I was freaking scared...Really freaking scared.

I was about only 6 that time.

Another dream, of mine...I dont know how...I found myself into someone's else house...After venturing in the dream for a while somebody told me that I was dead...Rather then feeling sad or anything I jumped in joy!
What was that about

Yet another one, I Found myself on roof...(no, not trying to commit suicide) I Jumped from it and woooohhhooo the Adrenaline rush, oh lawd...freaking awesome I jumped from the another building to down and Jumped back up and repeated that...that was fucking awesome.

Also, I've had strange Deja vu's...I Roll pencil in my class...I feel like I've done it before....I see some people who i think I've met before...but they are total strangers...

I Read a manga named gantz, for some reason....I think I have read it before...

--------Why be all that?
Warrior Do not live forever, But they don't die either.
I remember a dream I had 2-3 weeks ago, freaked me out.

I was just sitting there, in a SUV with white interface with glowing buttons, far away I saw a hill on which there was a tower.I drive there...The city was empty, there were puppets hanging everywhere.

Then all of sudden they starting running at me, falling off the roof, the walls, every-fucking-where.
So I ran the fuck out of that city to my car and drove over some of them.

Since that I fucking hate puppets.
Centuries Of Damn
I started hating going to wash basin too, no more then that...I hated going to first floor like it was bewitched...but age solves all...I got used to it..and conquered the fear.
Warrior Do not live forever, But they don't die either.
ive had plenty of deja vus

one time i went down in my girlfriends dads basement. there was a computer screen right next to the stairs. then i realised, i have seen this before. the screen, the scenery everything. but the feeling dissapeared after a while. kind of creepy though
Swedish Viking