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Isn't confidence that something making you feel superior/god to other people and not caring about anything that people tell to you, you know who you are etc. Is this fact correct?
There's a fine line between confidence and cockiness. Confidence is knowing that you can do something that is plausible.
Originally Posted by PlayerID57 View Post
Isn't confidence that something making you feel superior/god to other people and not caring about anything that people tell to you, you know who you are etc. Is this fact correct?

life isn't about being better than other people
Well being confident is knowing you wont screw up and perform to the best of your ability, being nervous is being scared that you WILL screw up and fail in all sorts of ways...

but in that situation believe in yourself and do the best you can, then those people will see how good you can do and mabye have more respect for you?
Something about busses:D
Nerves can be a bitch. I tend to get nervous about all sorts of stuff, but the trick is always to just concentrate on what you're trying to do and do it the best you can.
Originally Posted by haharll View Post
Nerves can be a bitch. I tend to get nervous about all sorts of stuff, but the trick is always to just concentrate on what you're trying to do and do it the best you can.


I have found that the minute I start thinking about what other people are thinking about me (even if it good) I fuck up whatever I am doing. Confidence is remember that it doesnt matter.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Confidence is knowing you can get the job done, as simple as that. It has nothing to do with other people, it has to do with how you feel about yourself and if you are confident you don't worry too much about what other people think or say, you know yourself and what you can do. You build your confidence by trying and succeeding, and if you fail you keep on trying. Hope that helps.