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What? Khmer had the password of our bank?
Back when it was a permitted activity, we paid Khmer a nominal fee to play with our account to increase the qi. We couldn't hold anything qi restricted, so we agreed to let him play with the account, and he could keep any TC he earned from the games, plus our payment to him.
He was irresponsible, and let his cousin have the password too. After draining the entire account, his cousin was given a 6 month ban. The password was changed, and we implored Khmer to be more discerning with where he kept the password.
6 months later, his cousin was unbanned, and Khmer gave (intentionally or unintentionally) him the new password. Withing 12 or so hours, his cousin (with the help of 2 friends) stole 675,000+ TC and hundreds of items. There were over 6 "bounce accounts" involved, and a majority of the TC was unrecoverable, as it was spent on textures from other users. Sigma chalked it up as a loss after recovering what items we could... which was maybe a third of the original items.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Khmer is asking you now to trust him a third time with a loan from the bank...
Make the logical choice.