Hello all i am gamer828 i am a co ldr of the clan iv been in this clan since the start i left once but then decided that no other clans could suport how extremly active i am, i help organize this clan a little and i am one of the teachers in this clan and was once the executive of enforcement im usually a chill person and dont hold grudeges. (live and let go ppl, live and let go) but i cant deal with the ppl who cant go on with their life theres a saying that if u try to hold your enemys back your only holding yourself back i have enemys like the matt in legion and shit and he yakes his anger on my clan and shit here but i will probly forgive him and apologize tomorow and stuff so Peaceout
Last edited by gamer_noob; Apr 3, 2010 at 10:37 PM.