Original Post
Un-used Topics.
I was looking through the stickies and noticed that people last posted in them sometime in 2009.

I think we need to post in those topics... or just delete them if there are going to be un-used.
fl0w. Logo Designer, PM me.
I think maybe you should leave them alone, especially if you don't have anything to say on the subject. Random useless mumbo jumbo is considered spamming, please don't ruin this forum with that. And further more, if you are not going to use them, leave them alone, dude. Or maybe you could read them, see, maybe you'll get an understanding on why they are there. That's just offensive, dude.
I almost said something bad, but instead i want to ask if we are going to ave a tourney.
I will devastate your pooder.
No dont worry about it evo6 i respect any of the compliments you make, your just trying to protect the longevity of the clan.
[Evil][OLDA][wl][pro pot]