Original Post
+Tori agent
who do i pm for trying out for a tori agent job? :]
Been here since 09', Former Co-Lead of [MLP]. I'm here to stay. RIP to the lost brothers through the years, non of you're forgotten
Kk thanks please close
Been here since 09', Former Co-Lead of [MLP]. I'm here to stay. RIP to the lost brothers through the years, non of you're forgotten
Originally Posted by Onamist View Post
Make sure you thoroughly read this entire thread. If you are sure you are fit for the position PM KitFox.

In your application make sure you include everything you want us to know.
yep ok i sent it 2 kit with belt why i should b i ect
Been here since 09', Former Co-Lead of [MLP]. I'm here to stay. RIP to the lost brothers through the years, non of you're forgotten
he wont reaply (got kiked out of his house hampa told me)
Been here since 09', Former Co-Lead of [MLP]. I'm here to stay. RIP to the lost brothers through the years, non of you're forgotten
I'm not sure and this isn't the place to discuss it. All the information that is needed is here. Closed.