Original Post
Change pass and email ?
Hey guys if i want change my password it doesnt work and if i want change my mail then come something like this email is already use or so. But this is not true >_> the email i want change because its the old one from my sis i noticed and i want mine :/ and pass for more security
If the e-mail address is already attached to another account it'll not let you use it again. 1 account per address.

PM me if you want to sort the password issue.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
You should be able to change your password with no problem. Does it give you an error message or something? Make sure you enter it in correctly.

As for your email if it is alreaddy in use someone previously signed up with a forum account using that email. You have have an admin check for you if you would like. They can see what account has that email and if it is active.

Edit: SkulFuk