Original Post
[S] All gone in half an hour or i'll hard delete these items.

Go for gold, all of that is going to be gone within the next half an hour or i'm deleting them forever. Then nobody can have them.

Of course, you'll have to pay for 'em. Not ridiculously low prices though.
Oh I like it. But I believe a Pharos Force would be of greater monetary value, higher than 15k. I think. You could always bump it to 25k and i'd be a happy chappy.
Oh shit! I like that. More.

Arkenvoss, do you want to go any higher? Even 1k higher? If not then I may be forced to sell it to TheWarning.
TheWarning, you're keen for this huh? 25k flat and you're the new owner of that Platinum Force.

E: OR NOT! A wild Arkenvoss appears.

Who wants it more?