Original Post
1st : OK replay but I think some of the hits would have boomed if you would have edited them little bit 6.5/10
2nd : Walking was stiffish and punch was kinda powerless 5.5/10
3rd : Too stiff 4/10
[duck] 01101000 01101001 01110000 01101111 01110100 01101001 01100010 01101111 01110010
1st: I really liked it, good dismemberment. 7.5/10
2nd: Walking was good but I agree with juhizz it was a little bit stiff. 6/10
3rd: Iunno, I liked it at least. :3 6/10
1st.well disemberment lil bit to stiff 5/10
2nd.idk why 6/10 :P
3rd.aww jumps was well but the rest to stiff 4/10
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