Plagiarism is based on proving that there has been direct copying.
For example, if the plagiarizer says he made the flame himself and made it last longer, but used the exact same settings as yours with one value changed, that is plagiarism.
For textures, I can just layer the images and negative mode one and see the differences in the image.
Case Appealed, Succesfully
Dargoba's flame is original and has no signs of having been copied directly from Modius' flame.
The flame works in almost the same way, but is done so in a different manner. (For reference: modius' by time limitation and dargoba's by particle removal.)
As an extra note to modius: By the way, I can make this same flame almost 8k TC cheaper than you, so don't act so high and mighty. But don't worry, I won't. And yours is probably still be able to be cheaper than Dargoba's, but that all depends on how you two price your flames.
Last edited by FNugget; Apr 2, 2010 at 12:53 AM.