Original Post
Running Blood
Occasionally, when I have shaders on, one or so of the blood particles on the ground will not dissipate like it should, and will instead slide endlessly across the ground, creating a long streak of blood.
It looks weird.

<Ownzilas> Alright
<Ownzilas> 3'2 then
<Ownzilas> Half PID's dick.

Also, it eventually comes to a point where it makes weird markings wen they get far enough.

instead of it being a little mark it gets huge.

^hard to explain

but this was in friction.tbm so.. i'm not sure..

Do you mean something like this?
Attached Images
Blood Streak.JPG (23.7 KB, 54 views)
Tripstone says: heh
Tripstone says: clanless sucks
masterjepo says: Evolution isn't any better
masterjepo says: Cave man
Hmm, I've only had a problem like that when friction is off, but I'm sure this isn't related...
Steam ID: budster650