Original Post
your first madman
This idea came up when, on a certain user's "my first madman" thread, someone decided to post their own first madman to boost his confidense. The general idea is good, so, let's see the gruesome skeletons in your closets, post your first madmans

Let me start out.

this is actually my second madman, but the first one that ever got saved, cuz there was some failure in the saving of my actual first one... woulda posted it if i still had it
Attached Files
scrunchy madman.rpl (179.3 KB, 22 views)
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
Cool idea, here my first. I did it in January :o
Last edited by Esse; Mar 31, 2008 at 05:03 PM.
great! this is working fine!

i want to express clearly, though, that the concept isn't my idea, just actually making the thread is
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
i only got 4 disembers (minimum for a madman) my first isn't too bad is it?
Attached Files
Zinkon_vs_uke-301357_52248.rpl (153.5 KB, 15 views)