Original Post
+Not Connected
I have a little problem, allthough I am reletivly new I usually had no problem getting onto multiplayer, but just today when I tried to join a room the message no connection appeared. My character was loading fine, i even bought and equiped items to see if there was a problem with that. I also tried joining other rooms but to no avail. can some one help?
Last edited by marcus; Apr 18, 2010 at 03:28 AM.
Qi is the amount of experience points.
Every game you win, you get + QI.
Servers like

all are QI restricted, meaning you most have a certain amount.
Originally Posted by firebolt309 View Post
If this happens again, it can also mean that your internet connection needs to be refreshed.

Maybe, but that don't usualy happen.

And Irmrbrian, the servers are like this:

Begginer - Yellow Servers: White Belt to Yellow Belt
Intermediate - Green Servers: White Belt to Green Belt
Semi-Pro - Brown Servers: White Belt to Green Belt
Blackbelt - Grey Servers: Black Belt up
Ultimate - Master Belt up

You probably are Orange or Green belt now, so you cannot enter in the Begginer neither in Ultimate or Blackbelt.

Hope that helped.

Cheers ~ GrayveXP

Originally Posted by GrayveXP View Post
Begginer - Yellow Servers: White Belt to Orange Belt
Intermediate - Green Servers: Orange Belt to Green Belt
Semi-Pro - Brown Servers: Blue to Brown Belt
Blackbelt - Black Servers: Black Belt up
Ultimate - Black Servers: 3rd Dan Black Belt up

I edited the quote with the real limits. I'm pretty positive those are the limits.


Gone forever. Bye guys! Thanks for memories. :'(