Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[B]uying demon force
I buying demon force i offer 99K and all body textures and a flame that looks like a dragon hovering over me /dl me or /lp 1 me for flame
AHA you see you did steal my trails icon dq and ground textures u scammer u stole them !! proof then how do u have full body texture reporting.
Onamist thank you i didnt even notice... close this please oh and um holydemon proof that i didnt scam u and i bought them from torishop oh and i mselling BODY TEXTURES u idiot not all teh stuff u mentioned and go to my account history i bought the textures i even showed bNw and he said its ok and holy demon this WHOLE FKING THING WAS SOLVED A 2 DAYS AGO STOP TRYING TO SCAM EXTRA CASH U SCAVAGER ME AND BLAKNWYTE ALREADY SOLVED THIS WHOLE THING SO FK OFF
you freakin asshole you think you can scam anyone lol's you cant you may have scammed ponzo but you cant scam me most of my friends are staff members so stop saying shit before you get banned K?

User infracted: Being an idiot.
Last edited by hanz0; Apr 27, 2010 at 02:56 PM.
Thread closed.

holydemon: If you persist with this sort of behavior, I'm going to get very annoyed. And then you can count me as not one of your "friends". Although I have no idea where you got that idea from in the first place.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
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