Original Post
[Auction] full Azurite set

Full Azurite

Staring bid: 190k
min rise: 10k
Autobuy: 350k

Highest bidder: NO one so far..
ending date: 11th may 2010
Last edited by Hagan; May 6, 2010 at 01:58 PM.
ill give u a full texture set including full body textures all trails 256x256 head and a normal ground texture and head avatar and 40kk for it deal ?
think of it as a bid not a deal...
sure go for it. set would have to be great quality though.
Set That is already trying to make a set for this. (the set has to be good enough for 190k for starting bid.)
If some one buys Autobuy then that amount beats all sets.
(there is no autobuy for making sets.)