Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
why was my thread closed?
Well i was looking to see if anyone posted anything in my threads and i notice one of them is closed but i cant figure out why?
We are trying to reach a new standard on this forum. What we want to do is crack down on people not using COMPLETE and CORRECT sentences. The rules for the replay board are as follows:

1. All the rules of the other forums.
2. Have descriptive thread titles.
3. Speak in complete and correct sentences. This is not an IM service, you have all the time you need to correct your spelling and grammar.
4. Read the stickies.
5. Don't be a bitch.

"We are the chipmunks, C-H-I-P-M-U-N-K"
Kickbox: Thank you.

*CLOSED* - Reason? Go read the rules and find out.
Last edited by Stilf; Dec 9, 2007 at 08:04 AM. Reason: No need to insult him
Three rules of Q - 1. Qegola and Quarantine both start with Q. 2. There is no U in Qegola. 3. Qegola is you new god.

So a man walks into a bar with a monkey. I forgot the rest of the joke but your mom is a whore.