Funds rising sale
Amber torso:2k
Amethyst blood:5k
Dragon force:9k
Maya force: 7.5k
Neptune blood: 2k
olive secondary gradient: 5k
Persian Prymari gradient: 3.5k
Plasma ghost:1k
Shaman torso: 1.5k
Typhon blood: 4.5k
Viridian torso : free if u buy more than 1 item
Azurite Torso: 14.5k
Azurite Primari gradient: 7k
Hunter secondary gradient: 7.5k
Sapphire force: 31.5k
Prices are not negotiable since they are lower than the market.
I accept only forces and relaxes in trade
Last edited by YouDown; May 10, 2010 at 03:17 PM.