Original Post
[Auction] Raelistic Knight helm
Start bid = 10k
Min rise = 1k
Autobuy = 25k
End date = 24h after last valid bid

Leading = Rippersvk with 10k

Extremly high quality.
Based on original Templar bucked helm from 12th century.
I can add a ghost or a human face into it, or a chainmail coif under it for request (will cost 1k).

Last edited by Master2; May 25, 2010 at 12:46 AM.
Originally Posted by Krzysiu397 View Post

GL its veary epic

I would say 20k maxx

doesnt mean i dont have in stuff, i have 20k in stuff which i can sell fast
Last edited by RIPPERSVK; May 24, 2010 at 04:45 PM.
You can't bid if you dont have tc's
Man remember for bid cancel you must pay 20% off
(So 500tc)
"Yes it's true I'm the chosen one, only I can't own tori premie"
Yes you can make free tc
Originally Posted by Krzysiu397 View Post
You can't bid if you dont have tc's
Man remember for bid cancel you must pay 20% off
(So 500tc)

im gonna buy some tcs for $, so dont care about things you dont have to!!!! LAST WARNING!!!!!!

EDIT: and one more thing if fee is 20% then i would have to pay 2k tc not 500 if I cancel my bid, learn to count KID, DONT CARE ABOUT ME ANYMORE!!!
Last edited by RIPPERSVK; May 24, 2010 at 05:12 PM. Reason: update info
please dont post anymore into this thread if you dont wanna bid.

I checked your items, I can accept them but Ill count DF -20% or simply sell them, and offer with TC's.