Martial arts RANKs
I saw a rank called Shodan in a martial arts game. Also I started to search what that is. And I found a verry nice article at wikipedia and some at matrial arts school websites.
I found info about the dan black belts and about Master/Granmaster belt. For example, master belts are reached by the matrial art founders - "Bruce Lee's was a Master belt of Jet Kune Doo"
Also im ATM a Sandan at toribash.
Japan ranks:
Many arts use between one and ten dan ranks:
shodan (初段:しょだん): first degree black belt (technically, shodan is "beginning degree" and ichidan is "first degree"; the latter term is less commonly used)
nidan (二段:にだん): 2nd dan black belt
sandan (三段:さんだん): 3rd dan black belt
yondan (四段:よだん): 4th dan black belt
godan (五段:ごだん): 5th dan black belt
rokudan (六段:ろくだん): 6th dan black belt
shichidan (七段:ななだん): 7th dan black belt (also, nanadan)
hachidan (八段:はちだん): 8th dan black belt
kyūdan (九段:きゅうだん): 9th dan black belt
jūdan (十段:じゅうだん): 10th dan black belt
Korean ranks
Il dan (일단): first degree black belt (also known as cho dan (초단 hanja: 初段))
Yi dan (이단): second degree black belt
Sam dan (삼단): third degree black belt
Sa dan (사단): fourth degree black belt
O dan (오단): fifth degree black belt
Yuk dan (육단): sixth degree black belt
Chil dan (칠단): seventh degree black belt
Pal dan (팔단): eight degree black belt
Gu dan (구단): ninth degree black belt
Also found info that there are only 7 10th dan black belts at judo.
Source: wiki, google, matrial school website
Discuss (your rank, info about xth dan belt masters,etc...)