Original Post
Head And Bumpmap
bumpmap head for 7500 and head for 1900
or Both for 8500
Last edited by minikiko10; Jun 7, 2010 at 06:00 PM.
Proud Member of OLDA
i can buy the head for the 1k
<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.
Drones Mega shop!!!! Found: Head Texture for 1,850 tc 7.50% off warrior1 Cheap textures! Found: Head Texture for 1,900 tc 5.00% off Henkatus 1handclap Found: Head Texture for 1,900 tc 5.00% off 1handclap Cheapest of them all Found: Head Texture for 1,950 tc 2.50% off MowtenDoo Tensormarket Found: Head Texture for 1,990 tc 0.50% off Alick09
so we pay for something is 50tc+ or when atleast 90tc - ? ur kidding? original headtexture costs 2k so :l If you mean we get the image of headtexture with its fine but if not its not good!
de the offer is for both combined, individually they are deal finder price
A bumpmap head is 10k in DF Found: Bumpmap Head Texture for 9,000 tc 10.00% off minikiko10 >>>mine , so you are getting a bumpmap for 7000 and a head for 1500, but you have to buy them both.
Proud Member of OLDA