Original Post
how do i...
how can i get a repaly from the game and put it into the forums?or a sreenshot?
[23:19] <HebrewHamr> i'm catholic
  1. Use Search Function.
  2. Click Post Reply.
  3. Scroll down a bit, until you see Manage Attachments button. Click that.
  4. Click browse and find your replay which you want to put to forums.
  5. Click Upload.
Originally Posted by ashaltaf View Post
wats search function?

There's button "Search" button between New posts and Quick links. Click that and then write there what you want search and it'll show you all posts that has something to do with that,
Ok, you save the replay,(preferably in your replay folder, named whatever you want.

then you 'Go advanced' in your post, and you find a button named manage attachments, then 'Browse' CProgram Files\Toribash-3.06\replay

by first going into program files, then toribash, then replay, then click on the replay you want and press open. now the replay should be uploaded.